Decision details

Planning Software Funding

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Consideration was given to the joint report of the Development Manager and Head of Digital and Customer Services that set out the rationale for replacing the Council’s current planning software that had been in operation since the late 1980s.  The current software did not support full automation and the providers were discontinuing the business in the next three years and support beyond this period would no longer be possible. 


This situation had provided the Council with an excellent opportunity to increase automation in the planning service, to be ready to embrace shared services in the future and reduce the administrative burden on support staff and planners, who could focus more on assessing planning applications and realise efficiency gains in the long term. 


The Council had also applied to the Department for Housing, Levelling Up and Communities’ (DHLUC) Open Digital Project fund to undertake a comprehensive digital health check of the service which would include looking into the Council’s data and its management.  The fund, if successful, would be useful in undertaking this key project to identify how ready the Council’s data was to be migrated into the new software solution.


A soft market test had already been undertaken in addition to meetings with the East Sussex Procurement Hub and several potential solution providers had been sourced and a preferred solution provider identified (Idox Cloud).  It was noted that the preferred solution was used by many local authorities, was a market leader and was unlikely to cease operating.   


The estimated capital costs for the new solution were £359k as detailed within Appendix 1 to the report and included the appointment of a dedicated Project Manager for a minimum of 18 months at a cost of £70k.  The costs would be met from the Invest to Save budget within the approved capital programme, which was there to support initiatives such as this.  In order not to delay the progression of the project, delegated authority was sought for the Head of Digital and Customer Services to take all decisions in relation to the implementation of the new planning service software in consultation with the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Digital Transformation and Customer Services.


Members were supportive of the move to a new software solution for the planning service that would provide increased accessibility and an improved service for customers, as well as streamlining process and improved working practices for planners.  




1)     the capital funding requirement to procure and implement the new planning software of £359,000 be noted, to be funded from the Invest to Save budget within the approved capital budget; and


2)     the Head of Digital and Customer Services be granted delegated authority to take all decisions in relation to the implementation of the new planning service software in consultation with the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Digital Transformation and Customer Services.

Report author: Mark Adams

Publication date: 14/12/2023

Date of decision: 11/12/2023

Decided at meeting: 11/12/2023 - Cabinet

Effective from: 22/12/2023

Accompanying Documents: