Decision details

Rother District Council Fit for the Future Programme - People Strategy

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Members considered the report of the Chief Executive and Interim People Programme Manager, which provided the Human Resources (HR) Committee with an update on the People Programme of work, including the draft People Strategy and Workforce plan framework, and to recommend adoption of Rother District Council (RDC) Values.


The HR Committee was aware that the RDC Fit for the Future (FftF) programme included a People Strategy as a key workstream, enabling delivery of the other workstreams that were focussed on financial resilience, asset management and digital transformation.  A high-level illustration of the programme was included at Appendix 1 to the report.

The agreed deliverables for the People Programme were: a People Strategy; an Operating Model for the design of the organisation; and People Policies, to deliver the People Strategy priorities.


A review of the People Programme was undertaken in February 2024 and workstreams proposed to accelerate activity and ensure key deliverables were achieved by Q3 2024/25.


In March 2024, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee received a presentation on the progress of the audit recommendation to develop and implement a Workforce Plan for RDC during 2023/24. A People Strategy Working Group (PSWG) was set up, drawing on a cross section of staff, along with trade union representation, to review the first six weeks of programme activity and consider: Workforce data aligned to the Draft People strategy pillars and outcomes; a Draft People Strategy; Draft Values and Behaviours; and Draft Workforce planning priorities. The draft outcomes and pillars of the People Strategy were also shared at an officer away-day for feedback.


Feedback from the PSWG had been very positive; Group members were pleased to see action being taken and how that would impact in the long term. Regular updates would be shared with Members.


Attached at Appendix 2 to the report was a draft People Strategy framework and draft Workforce Plan priorities were attached at Appendix 3. The draft Values and Behaviours, detailed at Appendix 4 to the report, had been developed based on work undertaken in late 2023 with staff and managers, to capture views on organisational values.  This was grouped under the mnemonic ‘ROOT’ with a memorable visual linked to the RDC logo and analogy in that the Council’s values ‘are the root from which we grow’.


The Committee was requested to consider three options, as detailed in the report and it was recommended that Option 2 be agreed, on the basis that the approved FftF Programme People Workstream was a critical aspect of the overall RDC change programme.  This option had funding allocated and contributed to both resolving an outstanding audit recommendation, as well as improving organisational performance. This option was the best balance between cost and pace, making progress on this priority activity in Q1/2 of 2024/25, enabling benefits delivery starting Q3/4 of 2024/25.


Members of the Committee were happy to agree to Option 2 as detailed in the report and the Chair thanked the Interim People Programme Manager for his work on progressing the Programme.




1)        progress on the People Programme be noted;


2)        the recommended approach to develop the People Strategy and Workforce Plan framework be approved; and


3)        the Rother District Council Values and Behaviours framework be reviewed and approved.

Publication date: 22/04/2024

Date of decision: 15/04/2024

Decided at meeting: 15/04/2024 - Human Resources Committee

Accompanying Documents: