Decision details

Corporate Plan Consultation Response and Corporate Programme 2020-2027

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommmend Forward to Council

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The draft Corporate Plan 2020-2027 (Appendix A to the report) had been subject to a six-week consultation period, following approval earlier in the year.  The report set out the response to the consultation and recommended that the Corporate Plan be approved and adopted, without amendment, and the Corporate Programme of projects to deliver the Corporate Plan be approved. 


Consultation invitations were sent to 127 business and voluntary organisations, schools, colleges, public bodies, leisure and interest groups and organisations across Rother, including all the Parish and Town Councils (P&TCs) in Rother, together with 400 residents in the Rother Citizens Panel.  Whilst it was disappointing to note that only 133 responses were received, considering that the consultation took place on line, during the pandemic, with no opportunity for face-to-face events, the quality of responses was considered high.  All objectives had majority support and a detailed analysis of all responses was provided at Appendix B to the report.  Members were also disappointed to note the low level response from the 32 P&TCs (+1 parish meeting) across the district and more work to engage with these local authorities was required.   


The draft Corporate Programme of projects to deliver the Corporate Plan had been developed through the consultation period with Corporate Management Team and council officers.  A total of 23 projects had been identified and these were attached to the report at Appendix C.  The project scopes would be presented to a newly formed Programme Board to review and assess if the projects met the vision and priorities of the new Corporate Plan.  The Programme Board would initially consist of the Chief Executive, the Section 151 Officer and three Members appointed by the Leader of the Council and progress reports would be made quarterly.  An annual report on progress of the Corporate Programme would also be presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


It was noted that the Corporate Plan was a living document and the Council would be able to add additional projects to the Corporate Programme identified to deliver the outcomes within the Plan.  The current plan was achievable and focused and officer resources were available to deliver within the timescales.  Following debate, Members agreed that it be recommended to Council that an objective to develop a healthy living strategy, subject to consultation, be added to the plan later in the year.   




1)    draft Corporate Plan (at Appendix A) be approved and adopted;


2)    that an objective to develop a healthy living strategy, subject to consultation be added to the plan, later in the year; and


3)    draft Corporate Programme (at Appendix C) be approved and adopted.




*RESOLVED: That subject to the approval of full Council, a Corporate Programme Board of Members and senior officers, to be appointed by the Leader of the Council, be established to monitor the delivery of the Corporate Programme 2020-2027.


*The RESOLVED part of this minute is subject to the call-in procedure under Rule 16 of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.


(When it first became apparent, Councillor Dixon declared a Personal Interest as his wife was Clerk to Brede Parish Council who had responded to the consultation and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct remained in the meeting during the consideration thereof).

Report author: Ben Hook

Publication date: 01/07/2021

Date of decision: 28/06/2021

Decided at meeting: 28/06/2021 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: