Issue - meetings

References from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Meeting: 09/03/2020 - Cabinet (Item 107)

107 Call-In - Destination Leisure: Bexhill Redevelopment of Existing Leisure Facilities pdf icon PDF 212 KB


At Cabinet’s last meeting consideration was given to a comprehensive report on the background and progress made to date to bring forward a complex project of the redevelopment of the existing leisure facilities in Bexhill.  Cabinet had resolved to defer the matter until the Bexhill Leisure Centre Steering Group had met to consider the project in more detail.  Their findings would be reported to Cabinet in April 2020.


The decision had subsequently been called-in by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and considered at its meeting on 26 February 2020.  A copy of the report and Minute arising from this meeting had been circulated to Members of Cabinet for their reconsideration.


The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Osborne, addressed Cabinet and reported that the Scrutiny Committee had conducted a review of the decision and requested that Cabinet reconsider its previous decision for the following reasons:


·        land ownership issues were still prevalent and that access rights were still to be settled;

·        the whole project and, in particular, the housing element had, as a consequence of the decision been delayed by Cabinet’s decision to defer the recommendations.  The Council’s lack of a current 5-year supply of land for housing was significant and cause for concern;

·        further delays opened the project up to increased costs and risks; and

·        consideration be given to extending an invitation to Councillor Carroll to join the Steering Group.


The Leader thanked the OSC for their consideration of the decision made by Cabinet.  Through the call-in process it had become apparent that there had been some Cabinet Member confusion over what had been resolved at the previous meeting.  Cabinet confirmed that it had intended to agree an extension to the Bexhill Leisure Centre and Bexhill Leisure Pool contracts to secure continued operation of the existing facilities from 1 April 2021 and that the Compulsory Purchase Order process be commenced.  Cabinet did not agree however that Councillor Carroll be invited to join the Steering Group.  The Leader hoped that all Members would take an interest in this important Project and attend meetings of the Steering Group in any event. 


RESOLVED: That project progress be noted and the Executive Director, in consultation with the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities and Communications, Young People, Sport and Leisure, be granted delegated authority to:


1)     agree an extension of the Bexhill Leisure Centre and Bexhill Leisure Pool contracts to secure continued operation of the existing facilities from 1 April 2021 up to the planned closure, of each centre;


2)     begin the Compulsory Purchase Order process for land at the former high school site and access, subject to a full report to follow;


3)     establish a Bexhill Leisure Centre Steering Group as per the Terms of Reference attached at Appendix 5 (to the original report dated 10 February 2020); and


4)     that further progression of the project be deferred (save for recommendations 1, 2 and 3 above) and referred to the Bexhill Leisure Centre Steering Group for recommendation to Cabinet in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 107