committee was replaced on 31 August 2024 by two stand-alone
committees, namely the Audit Committee and the Standards Committee
- please see the separate committees for meetings from 1 September
2024 onwards.
The Audit and Standards
Committee meets four times per year (June, September, December and
March) and comprises eight Members of the Council and one Audit
Independent Person. The Committee’s Audit functions and
delegations include: internal and external audit, Regulatory
Framework in respect of financial and risk management and statutory
finance reporting including the Annual Statement of
Standards related matters
are usually only considered at the June and December meetings; two
representatives from the Parish and Town Councils in the District
and two Independent Persons who are appointed by the Council to
assist with Standards Complaints are invited to attend the meetings
when standards matters are considered. The Committee’s
Standards function is the overseeing of the ethical framework which
is intended to help ensure high standards of conduct in local
government; promoting and ensuring that Councillors maintain high
standards of conduct; reviewing complaints received by the
Monitoring Officer and overseeing Ombudsman
investigations. app
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