The administration of the Joint Waste and
Recycling Committee transferred to Wealden District Council on
Thursday 1 April 2021. Details of
future meetings, agendas and reports can be accessed at:
Browse meetings - Joint Waste and Recycling Committee - Councillors
Committees - Wealden District Council
Establishment of the
Joint Waste and Recycling Committee
The Joint Waste and Recycling
Committee is made up of elected
Member representatives from the Cabinets of each of the
following authorities: East Sussex County
Council; Hastings Borough Council; Rother District
Council and Wealden District Council.
Objectives of the Joint Waste and
Recycling Committee:
These authorities have established the Joint
Waste and Recycling Committee with the intention of facilitating
the authorities in working together to improve the quality and
effectiveness of the discharge of their waste collection functions
under the relevant provisions of the Environmental Protection Act
The Joint Waste and Recycling Committee will
also facilitate the authorities to work in partnership with East
Sussex County Council as the Waste Disposal Authority to maximise
integration opportunities.
Timetable of
Meeting Date and Time
Hosted By
Friday 2 July 2021, 10:00am
Wealden District Council
Council Chamber, Hailsham
Friday 1 October 2021, 10:00am
Wealden District Council
Council Chamber, Hailsham
Friday 7 January 2022, 10:00am
Wealden District Council
Council Chamber, Hailsham
Friday 1 April 2022, 10:00am - CANCELLED
Wealden District Council
Council Chamber, Hailsham
Friday 1 July 2022, 10:00am
Wealden District Council
Council Chamber, Hailsham
Friday 7 October 2022, 10:00am
Wealden District Council
Council Chamber, Hailsham