Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.


Information about Cabinet

Cabinet is currently made up of 9 members.


Each Cabinet Member has a portfolio of responsibilities related to council services.  Cabinet is the main decision-making committee of the council.  It also makes recommendations to Full Council on the adoption of the budget and other key documents and policies, including the corporate plan.


Cabinet usually meets every month and is chaired by the Leader of the Council.  The meetings are usually held in the Council Chamber, at the Town Hall, Bexhill-on-Sea, and are generally open for the public to attend. 


Paper copies of the agenda for Cabinet meetings are available on request from Democratic Services.




D.B. Oliver


Corporate Policy, Communications, Improvement, Devolution, HR and Strategic Issues

Vision/Corporate Strategy

Investment Strategy

Promotion of the District

Strategic Partnerships

External Relations/Communications

Human Resources

C.A. Bayliss

(Deputy Leader)

Regeneration and Economic Development

Economic Development Strategy/Employment

Business Engagement/Support/Relationship

Economic Growth

K.M. Field

Environmental, Joint Waste Contract, Licensing and Climate Strategy

Licensing / Pollution, Food and Safety / Pest Control

Joint Waste Management

Climate Change/Energy /Sustainability Air Quality

Infrastructure and Connectivity (Transport)

Climate Risk/Adaptation

S.J. Coleman

Community Safety, Wellbeing, Equalities and Age Friendly Communities and Member Training Champion

Community Safety

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy

Fuel Poverty

Member Development Task Group

A.K. Jeeawon

Finance and Governance

Financial Services

Medium Term Financial Strategy/ Financial and Treasury Management

Corporate Governance

Democratic and Electoral Services

T.M. Killeen (MBE) (Deputy Leader)


Planning Development

Policy and Strategy

Community Infrastructure Levy/Strategy

Local Plan

R.A. McCourt


Housing Strategy / Housing Development / Management / Maintenance (Housing Associations) Private Sector / Social Housing Enforcement


Affordable Housing Delivery

A. Rathbone Ariel

Digital Transformation and Customer Services

Digital Transformation

Customer Services

ICT infrastructure / Service Desk

Business Continuity

Information Governance

Emergency Planning

SIRO - Senior Infrastructure Risk Officer

H.L. Timpe

Neighbourhood Services, Tourism and Joint Waste Contract

Joint Waste Management

Community Facilities and Support

Heritage Services/Local Community Engagement

Tourism/Arts and Culture

Parks/Open Spaces

Street scene/Parking

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