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Overview and Scrutiny Committee

This page lists the meetings for Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Information about Overview and Scrutiny Committee

The Council operates one Overview and Scrutiny Committee comprising 12 Members of the Council which meets eight scheduled times a year.  The meetings are usually held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bexhill-on-Sea and are normally open to the public. 


The Scrutiny Committee supports the work of the Cabinet and the Council as a whole, allows citizens to have a greater say in Council matters and will, where appropriate, consult the public on matters of local concern.  This leads to reports and recommendations which advise the Cabinet and the Council on its policies, budget and service delivery. 


The Committee also monitors the decisions of the Cabinet.  The Committee can ‘call-in’ a decision which has been made by the Cabinet but not yet implemented and consider whether the decision is appropriate. app

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