Agenda item

Temporary Street Closure Orders


Members received and considered the report of the Executive Director which outlined a policy for approving Temporary Street Closure Orders.  Although the legislation defined circumstances when the District Council could make a road closure order, a policy would assist officers in determining applications.


The following points were to be incorporated into the policy:


           In all cases except Remembrance, a fee of £100 or a fee set by Cabinet would be payable.

           Orders would only be made if the previous year’s audited accounts showed that over 50% of the profit from the event was paid to a registered or local charity, unless the Licensing Committee approved a lower percentage. For first-time applications, an undertaking must be given that this would apply.

           Applicants must provide an adequate event management plan (including risk assessments) with the application to show how the event could take place without creating unnecessary or uncontrolled hazards to the public.

           Applicants undertake to remove all waste generated, litter pick the road after the event or pay for any additional street cleaning costs.


The procedure for making applications for a temporary street closure order was appended to the report.


Members were advised that, over the previous 10 years, an increase in applications had been seen for events held for commercial or private gain, with little benefit to the public in turn for the disruption.  A 50% payment to charity would therefore address this issue. If an event organiser was unable to commit to a 50% payment to charity, approval for a lesser amount could be sought from the Licensing Committee.


Members were given the opportunity to ask questions and the following points were noted from the discussions:


           Members were concerned that the policy did not mention consulting with the local Ward Member or a system for appeal if the application was refused;

           a public liability insurance up to £10 million was too high;

           Members were concerned that events may still be held without an approved road closure, which may pose a danger to the public;

           many events held in Battle were for the benefit of the community rather than charity;

           clarity on what constituted a community event rather than a charitable event was required within the policy and it was suggested that the wording ‘not for profit organisation’ be added;

           the process for seeking approval for a lesser percentage to be paid to charity required clarification; and

           many events also included stalls, profits of which did not go to the event organisers.


In light of the comments made, Members agreed to defer this matter and for officers to consider Members’ comments and report back to a future committee.


RESOLVED: That officers consider the Committee’s comments and an amended policy for approving temporary street closure orders be considered at a future meeting of the Licensing and General Purposes Committee.


(Councillor B.J. Drayson declared a personal interest in this matter in so far as he was a Committee Member of Light up Bexhill, and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct remained in the room during consideration thereof.)


(Councillor H.L. Timpe declared a personal interest in this matter in so far as she was a company Director of Light up Bexhill, and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct remained in the room during consideration thereof.)

Supporting documents: