Agenda item

RR/2020/865/P - Hurst Green - Pooks Farm, London Road






Condition 4 imposed on RR/2015/2683/P is amended as follows:


4.   When the extension is used as a residential annexe, it shall be used solely as additional accommodation for the existing dwelling ‘Pooks Field Farm’ and the residential annexe shall not be occupied by any person who is not a member of the family (as defined by section 186 of the Housing Act 1985 or in any provision equivalent to any re-enactment of that Act) residing in the family dwelling or as a separate dwelling.

      Reason: In the interests of protecting the character of the area and to preclude the creation of a new dwelling in the countryside, in accordance with Policies OSS4 (iii), RA3 (iii) and (iv) and EN1 (i) of the Rother Local Plan and Policy DHG10 of the Rother District Development and Site Allocations Local Plan.


New conditions:


5.   When the extension is used as a holiday let, it shall be occupied for holiday purposes only and shall not be occupied as a person’s sole or main place of residence.

Reason: To ensure that the approved holiday accommodation is not used for unauthorised permanent residential occupationin accordance with Policies OSS4 (iii), EC6 and RA3 of the Rother Local Plan Core Strategy.


6.   When the extension is used as a holiday let, the owners/operators shall maintain an up-to-date register of the names of all occupiers of the extension, and of their main home addresses, and shall make this information available at all reasonable times to the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure that the approved holiday accommodation is not used for unauthorised permanent residential occupationin accordance with Policies OSS4 (iii), EC6 and RA3 of the Rother Local Plan Core Strategy.


7.   In respect of the permitted holiday let use, the extension shall not be occupied for more than 56 days in total in any calendar year by any one person.

Reason: To ensure that the approved holiday accommodation is not used for unauthorised permanent residential occupationin accordancewith Policies OSS4 (iii), EC6 and RA3 of the Rother Local Plan Core Strategy.


8.   The development shall not proceed other than in accordance with Conditions 1-3 inclusive, imposed on planning permission RR/2015/2683/P dated 11 December 2015 which remain in full force and effect.

Reason: This permission is granted pursuant to planning permission RR/2015/2683/P dated 11 December 2015. Under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 the Council has considered the conditions subject to which that previous planning permission was granted and confirms that the conditions and associated reasons remain pertinent and are re-imposed, apart from as varied by this permission.




1.   The Applicant’s attention is drawn to the fact that the unit of accommodation contained within the extension permitted under reference RR/2015/2683/P will remain small and ancillary in form, with a shared access and garden, and will thus remain a single planning unit. Planning permission would be required to create a separate independent dwelling.


NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK: In accordance with the requirements of the Framework (paragraphs 186 and 187) and with the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015, the Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against all material considerations, including planning policies and any representations that  have been received and subsequently determining to grant planning permission in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out within the National Planning Policy Framework.


(Councillors J. Barnes and Mrs Barnes both declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this matter in so far as the Applicant is a personal friend and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct left the meeting during the consideration thereof).


Supporting documents: