Agenda item

Off-Street Car Parks Task and Finish Group


Members received the report of the Head of Service Housing and Community which reminded Members of the recommendations of the Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) Task and Finish Group (T&FG) in 2018 and to recommend establishing a new and separate Off-Street Car Parks T&FG to monitor the impact of charges across all Council owned off-street car parks with the introduction of CPE having taken place in September 2020.  This would help to assess whether the scale of parking charges was appropriate and also inform the work of the reformed CPE T&FG.


The Council operated its designated car parks under the District of Rother (Off Street) Parking Places Order 2020 (PPO). The PPO provided a framework under which the Council could manage its car parks effectively and better meet the cost of maintenance and enforcement through parking charges.


In September 2020, Cabinet agreed to amend the PPO to introduce charges to certain free car parks that fell directly within those CPE areas where on-street charges had been introduced.  It was also agreed that those free car parks that were in close proximity to areas where on-street charges applied should also have charges introduced.  Alongside the need to monitor the impact of CPE on all its off-street car parks, it was important for the Council to monitor the impact of the recent decision to introduce charges to car parks that were free to use prior to the introduction of CPE.


It was therefore recommended that a new separate T&FG be formed to monitor the impact of charging across all Council owned off-street car parks and suggest recommendations for adjustments to the PPO accordingly.


During the debate,  the following points were noted:


           it was agreed that the words ‘and assess’ be inserted into recommendation 1) to read ‘….be established to monitor and assess the impact …’;

           photographic and income data was available to illustrate levels of car park usage before and after the introduction of CPE;

           methods of payment were being introduced into car parks during October, which allowed time for residents to purchase permits before charging commenced;

           it was considered good practice for the T&FG to review charges again after a further six months from April 2021, to ensure they remained fit for purpose;

           Council payment machines were equipped to deal with different charging structures;

           once the T&FG’s Terms of Reference (ToR) had been fulfilled and reported back on in April 2021, the Committee could amend them to reflect those of the CPE T&FG if it so wished and the group continue, rather than reconvening the CPE T&FG;

           the PPO 2020 had been consulted on which had highlighted the car parks issue. As detailed in the ToR at Appendix A to the report, the needs of residents, businesses and amenity and community groups would be considered within the review; and

           it was agreed that scope f) in the ToR be amended to read ‘to consider whether revisions to the scale of parking charges …..’.




1)         an Off-Street Car Parks Task and Finish Group be established to monitor and assess the impact of charging across all Council owned off-street car parks now that Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) is in place, comprising of the following Members: Councillors J. Barnes, Mrs V. Cook, P.C Courtel, Mrs D.C. Earl-Williams, L.M. Langlands, C. A Madeley, P.N. Osborne and G.F. Stevens;


2)         the Terms of Reference at Appendix A to the report be approved, as amended;


3)         if considered appropriate, a revised scale of parking charges be recommended to Overview and Scrutiny Committee; and


4)         consideration be given to reconvening the Civil Parking Enforcement Task and Finish Group after April 2021 or amending the Terms of Reference for the Off-Street Car Parks Task and Finish Group, to consider the impact of the Civil Parking Enforcement Scheme in preparation for the first annual review of CPE, led by East Sussex County Council.


(Councillor Barnes declared a Personal Interest in this matter in so far as he was an elected Member of East Sussex County Council and Chairman of Etchingham Parish Council and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct remained in the meeting during the consideration thereof).


(Councillors Clark and Mrs Earl-Williams each declared a Personal Interest in this matter in so far as they were elected Members of East Sussex County Council and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct remained in the meeting during the consideration thereof).


(Councillor Maynard declared a Personal Interest in this matter in so far as he was an elected Executive Member of East Sussex County Council and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct remained in the meeting during the consideration thereof).

Supporting documents: