Agenda item

Infrastructure Funding Statement 2019/20


Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Strategy and Planning on the Council’s Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) 2019/20, a copy of which was appended to the report at Appendix 1.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) regulations came into force on 1 September 2019.  Under these regulations, the IFS would replace the adopted CIL Regulation 123 List as the mechanism through which projects were identified for CIL funding.  It was noted that the IFS would still be informed by the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP).


District councils and county councils were obligated to prepare an IFS when in receipt of a contribution from development through CIL or a Section 106 (S106) obligation.  From 2019/20 onwards, any local authority in receipt of CIL or S106 contributions must publish an IFS online by 31 December 2020 (covering the previous financial year 1 April to 31 March) and by the 31 December each year thereafter.


The IFS detailed future spending priorities on infrastructure and affordable housing in-line with up-to-date or emerging plan policies and the needs of major infrastructure providers.  The IDP detailed the framework for infrastructure needed to support the development targets in the Council’s Local Plan which identified the current position across the district.


IFS set out the infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure that the Council intended to fund, or may fund, either wholly or partly, by the levy or planning obligations.  However, inclusion in the IFS did not signify the Council’s commitment to fund, prioritise or give weight to one particular type of infrastructure.  The process of governance for CIL expenditure would be carried out separately through the adopted process.


Members were advised of four projects which had received strategic CIL funding namely, Battle Health Pathway which was completed; Ticehurst Village Centre scheduled to be completed in July 2022; Sidley Recreation Ground with construction commencing in October 2021; and London Road Improvement with construction estimated to be undertaken in summer/autumn 2022.  Members expressed their full support for the projects and thanked staff for their hard work to date.  It was also requested that regular project updates be distributed via the Members’ Bulletin.  The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning advised that the CIL Steering Group was scheduled to meet in February to discuss the Council’s CIL Charging Scheme and, in particular, the process of how the strategic portion of CIL would be allocated in the future for onward recommendation to Cabinet; he encouraged all Members to attend.


Cabinet approved the IFS and agreed that authorisation be given to the Head of Strategy and Planning to make any minor amendments so that it could be published on the Council’s website by the deadline.  It was also agreed that future IFSs be approved by the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning in liaison with the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance and Performance Management and that regular updates on projects be distributed via the Members’ Bulletin.




1)    the Infrastructure Funding Statement at Appendix 1 be approved and that the Head of Strategy and Planning be authorised to make any minor amendments to the Statement so that it can be published on the Council’s website by 31 December 2020; and


2)    future Infrastructure Funding Statements be approved by the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning in liaison with the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance and Performance Management and that regular updates on projects be distributed via the Members’ Bulletin.



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