Agenda item

Rother Environment Strategy 2020-2030


The Environment and Policy Manager updated the Climate Change Steering Group (CCSG) on the activities she had undertaken since her appointment in August 2020, as detailed at Appendix 2 to the report and the approach taken to deliver the new Rother Environment Strategy 2020-2030 (ES).


The draft ES was adopted by full Council on 21 September 2020.  Additional work was required on the priority areas identified and Appendix 1 to the report detailed both the internal and external functions for Rother District Council (RDC), East Sussex County Council (ESCC) and other external environmental stakeholders / organisations.  RDC would proactively engage and attempt to exert influence with any priorities / objectives that were outside of its control.


It was noted that a number of operational staff across the organisation were already delivering some priority areas identified within the ES.  It would be important to clarify responsibilities and boundaries and ensure that any work delivered under the ES was not in conflict but positively added to and supported existing efforts.  Clear links between the ES and the Council’s policies / guidance would be applied, however this would be subject to time and resource demands.


A mapping exercise of the ES had highlighted significant gaps within the Council’s current organisation structure to deliver specific priorities, namely active / sustainable transport; green and blue infrastructure; countryside and land management; and energy efficiency / carbon reduction specialist.  Five priority areas were being reviewed and therefore Members were reminded that the ES was a “living document” and would be continuously updated, as new evidence emerged.


The consultation exercise had provided some positive feedback and at the last meeting, the CCSG had considered the responses received and incorporated some actions into the ES Action Plan (AP).  Members were reminded that the AP would be bolstered by the development of a more comprehensive programme of projects and interventions.


Partnership working was critical and key stakeholders, as well as parish and town councils across the district would be consulted on relevant priority areas within the ES.  To improve communication a new webpage had been launched and generic email established specific to the ES.


Members were advised of several ongoing and planned activities for the coming months, namely development of a communication and engagement plan; monitoring and evaluation framework; Corporate Plan, Local Plan and report template reviews; and a review of green spaces management.


The CCSG was asked to consider several recommendations and during the discussion the following points were noted:


·         Members were asked to consider the establishment of a Task and Finish Group (T&FG) to review the Council’s Ground Maintenance Contract which was scheduled to expire in 2022, as well as green spaces across the district.  The Environment and Policy Manager explained the rationale for establishing a T&FG and suggested some aims and objectives for the T&FG’s Terms of Reference.  It was also recommended that external expert advice be sought to support and guide a comprehensive review.  Three names for the T&FG were suggested, namely Parks, Woodlands, and Green Spaces; Future Parks, Woodlands and Green Spaces; or Valuing Parks, Woodlands and Green Spaces.

·         Community Gardens – clarity was sought on whether these areas were considered green spaces.  It was confirmed that there was scope to review private / community gardens, resources permitting, as well as include a tree survey.

·         Rother was committed to promoting best practice techniques and incentivising employees to adopt new ways of working to reduce the Council’s carbon footprint.  In future, environmentally sustainable practices would be adopted, where appropriate.  A digital suggestion box had been created on MS Teams for staff to submit their innovative ideas and suggestions.

·         Important to pursue climate justice and collate the views of those less fortunate and help those who were in poverty, particularly with housing and transport etc.

·         A significant challenge would be to resource delivery of the ES.  Budget priorities would be considered, and staff roles reviewed to ensure key priorities were achievable and delivered.

·         In 2021, an i-Tree eco survey of the urban area of Bexhill could be undertaken within the community.  The study would form critical evidence for strategically informing tree management needs of the town, including tree planting and assigning monetary value to trees as public assets.  The Environment and Policy Manager was currently advising Bexhill community groups on how such study could be organised.

·         A plan of activities for Rother Tree Wardens was under development for commencement in 2021.  Interest was being sought from the Tree Wardens to assist with the scheme.


The CCSG was reminded that it would be the responsibility of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) to consider the establishment of a T&FG to review the Council’s Ground Maintenance Contract and green spaces across the district.  Members were supportive of recommending to Cabinet that the OSC include this on their Work Programme.


RESOLVED: That the Climate Change Steering Group recommends to Cabinet that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee include on their Work Programme the establishment of a Task and Finish Group to review the Grounds Maintenance Contract which was scheduled to expire in 2022 and to include green spaces across the district.

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