Agenda item

RR/2020/2307/P - Blackfriars - Land at, Battle


DECISION: GRANT (RESERVED MATTERS), including approval of the Landscape and Ecological Management Plan [discharge of Condition 26]




1.    The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and details (for clarity, no ‘illustrative views’ are approved):

DR-A-0101 rev.P02, site plan, dated 18/03/21

DR-A-0100 rev.P02, site location plan, dated 02/02/21

DR-A-0102 rev.P08, proposed site plan, dated 24/03/21

Landscape and Ecology Management Plan, Issue 2, dated December 2020

DR-A-0106 rev.P09, Plot 1 site plan, dated 11/03/21

DR-A-0107 rev.P09, Plot 2 site plan, dated 24/03/21

DR-A-0108 rev.P10, Plot 3 site plan, dated 31/03/21

DR-A-0110 rev.P02 . type 1a, floor plans, dated 27/01/21

DR-A-0111 rev.P03 . type 1a, sections, dated 09/03/21

DR-A-0112 rev.P06 . type 1a, elevations, dated 27/01/21

DR-A-0115 rev.P03 . type 1b, floor plans, dated 27/01/21

DR-A-0116 rev.P02 . type 1b, sections, dated 27/01/21

DR-A-0117 rev.P06 . type 1b, elevations, dated 27/01/21

DR-A-0120 rev.P01 . type 2, floor plans, dated 05/10/20

DR-A-0121 rev.P03 . type 2, sections, dated 11/03/21

DR-A-0122 rev.P05 . type 2, elevations, dated 20/11/20

DR-A-0130 rev.P01 . type 3a, floor plans, dated 05/10/20

DR-A-0131 rev.P02 . type 3a, sections, dated 09/03/21

DR-A-0132 rev.P05 . type 3a, elevations, dated 09/03/21

DR-A-0135 rev.P01 . type 3b, floor plans, dated 05/10/20

DR-A-0136 rev.P02 . type 3b, sections, dated 09/03/21

DR-A-0137 rev.P05 . type 3b, elevations, dated 09/03/21

DR-A-0140 rev.P02 . type 4, floor plans, dated 09/03/21

DR-A-0141 rev.P02 . type 4, sections, dated 09/03/21

DR-A-0142 rev.P04 . type 4, elevations, dated 09/03/21

DR-A-0150 rev.P01 . type 5, floor plans, dated 05/10/20

DR-A-0151 rev.P03 . type 5, sections, dated 11/03/21

DR-A-0152 rev.P05 . type 5, elevations, dated 20/11/20

DR-A-0160 rev.P03 . type 6, plan/elevation, dated 20/11/20

DR-A-0161 rev.P01 . type 6, sections, dated 20/11/20

DR-A-0170 rev.P03 . type 7, plan/elevation, dated 20/11/20

DR-A-0171 rev.P01 . type 7, sections, dated 20/11/20

DR-A-0180 rev.P01 . type 8, plans, dated 05/10/20

DR-A-0181 rev.P02 . type 8, sections, dated 09/03/21

DR-A-0182 rev.P04 . type 8, elevations, dated 20/11/20

DR-A-0190 rev.P02 . type 9a, floor plans, dated 27/01/21

DR-A-0191 rev.P02 . type 9a, sections, dated 27/01/21

DR-A-0192 rev.P03 . type 9a, elevations, dated 27/01/21

DR-A-0195 rev.P02 . type 9b, floor plans, dated 27/01/21

DR-A-0196 rev.P02 . type 9b, sections, dated 27/01/21

DR-A-0197 rev.P04 . type 9b, elevations, dated 27/01/21

DR-A-0208 rev.P03, street scene sections (spine road), dated 12/03/21

DR-A-0209 rev.P03, street scene sections (spine road), dated 12/03/21

Landscape Strategy, Issue 3, dated March 2021 (in terms of the principles only)

DR-A-0212 rev.P02, Communal Areas Plan, dated 24/03/21

RP-A-0001, Energy and Sustainability Statement, dated 14 December 2021

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


2.    No development shall take place, including demolition, on the site until an agreed pre-commencement condition survey of the surrounding highway network has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any damage caused to the highway as a direct consequence of the construction traffic shall be rectified at the Applicant’s expense.

Reason: In order to ascertain the condition of approach roads prior to any HGV movements and thereby provide a base point to identify any damage resulting from development and requirements subsequent to maintenance works following completion of the development, in the interests of highway safety and the amenities of the area, having regard to Policies CO6, TR3 and OSS4 of the Rother Local Plan Core Strategy. 


3.    Notwithstanding the information regarding car-parking, car-barns and parking pergolas shown on the layout plans and on Drawing Nos. DR-A-0220 Rev P02 and P03, prior to commencement of development above ground the following information regarding car-ports (barns and pergolas) is to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development thereafter shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details:

a)    Layout drawings for each of the three plots, that indicate locations of the different types of car-ports, i.e. clay-tiled roofed car-barns and of timber parking pergolas, including orientation, direction of access, any required security details and space for soft landscaping (including ‘green walls’ to the pergolas) and specification thereof.

b)    Full 1:100 scaled elevational drawings of all car-ports showing them in the combinations/runs in which they are proposed to be deployed in the layout.

Reason: To ensure a development of high design quality, in accordance with Policy EN3 of the Rother Local Plan Core Strategy, the High Weald Housing Design Guide and the National Planning Policy Framework.


4.    Prior to the commencement of development above ground a 1:50 scale layout drawing of the square along the spine road in Plot 3 is to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and the development thereafter shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. The layout drawing shall refine the precise dimensions and design of the square, the hard-surfacing materials proposed within and around it, including kerbing details, any soft landscaping within or around it, and any other artefacts associated with it, e.g. lighting. 

Reason: To ensure the creation of a high quality public realm and high design quality and having regard to the requirements of the outline permission, in accordance with Policy EN3 of the Rother District Local Plan Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework.


5.    The information regarding boundary treatments on Drawing No. DR-A-0210 Rev P03 and in the Landscape Strategy document is not fully comprehensive and does not fully enclose the fronts and sides of plots, as well as proposing a too extensive variety of frontage boundary treatments and is not hereby approved. Pursuant to Condition 22 (b) of the outline permission RR/2019/604/P, detailed boundary treatment information remains to be submitted and approved. This information shall include detailed annotated layouts of each of the three plots at scale 1:200, indicating the locations of boundary enclosures to delineate and enclose front and side private curtilages, to provide meaningful enclosure from the adjacent public realm and from each other, including between driveways. The drawings shall be annotated to show each boundary treatment type, and the number and type of boundary treatments shall be rationalised to fully reflect and represent local character and contribute positively to street character in the development. 

Reason: To ensure a development of high design quality, in accordance with Policy EN3 of the Rother Local Plan Core Strategy, the High Weald Housing Design Guide and the National Planning Policy Framework.


6.    Pursuant to Condition 19 of outline planning permission RR/2019/604/P a detailed schedule of materials, by annotated plan and full streetscenes of all areas of the site at scale 1:200, indicating the combinations of materials to be used on elevations sufficient to be assessed in the streetscene context, along with details of the materials themselves, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure a development of high design quality, in accordance with Policy EN3 of the Rother Local Plan Core Strategy, the High Weald Housing Design Guide and the National Planning Policy Framework.


7.    Prior to commencement of development above ground a layout plan indicating the roof slope locations of solar panels, along with detailed information regarding the size, profile and appearance of the panels, is to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development thereafter shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure a development of high design quality which improves the sustainability and carbon neutral details of the proposals, in accordance with Policy EN3 of the Rother Local Plan Core Strategy, Policy DRM3 of the Development and Site Allocations Local Plan, the High Weald Housing Design Guide and the National Planning Policy Framework.


8.    The Landscape Strategy document is largely illustrative and whilst the broad approach is supported, it is not sufficiently refined and resolved at a detailed level. Therefore, details regarding hard and soft landscaping, pursuant to Conditions 22 (d) and (e), 23 and 24 of the outline planning permission RR/2019/604/P, remain to be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. These details shall include detailed annotated landscape and planting layouts at scale 1:200, also indicating the delivery of the tree-lined avenue to the main spine street, verge treatments, and planting and other materials specifications.

Reason: To ensure the creation of a high-quality public realm and landscape setting that enhances the landscape and scenic quality of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in accordance with Policies EN1 and EN3 of the Rother District Local Plan Core Strategy, Policies DEN1 and DEN2 of the Rother Development and Site Allocations Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.


9.    Prior to the construction of any of the pedestrian footways and cycle links, detailed drawings, including levels, sections and constructional details of the proposed footways, surface water drainage, outfall disposal, planting and street lighting to be provided, shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and be subject to its approval, in consultation with the Highway Authority. Works shall be completed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To provide alternative modes of transport and improve permeability of the site, in the interests of pedestrian and highway safety and for the benefit and convenience of the public at large, in accordance with Policies EN3, TR3 and CO6 of the Rother Local Plan Core Strategy.




1.    All conditions and notes of the outline planning permission RR/2019/604/P continue to apply to this development.


2.    The development is subject to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Full details will be set out in the CIL Liability Notice which will be issued in conjunction with this decision. All interested parties are referred to for further information and the charging schedule.


3.    It is noted that a footpath diversion via s257 of the Town and Country Planning Act may be applicable.


NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK: In accordance with the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework (paragraph 38) and with the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015, the Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by identifying matters of concern within the application (as originally submitted) and negotiating, with the Applicant, acceptable amendments to the proposal to address those concerns. As a result, the Local Planning Authority has been able to grant planning permission for an acceptable proposal, in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out within the National Planning Policy Framework.


(Councillor J. Barnes declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in this matter in so far as he was appointed by Rother District Council as a Director / Vice-Chairman to Alliance Homes (Rother) Ltd who were the developers of the site and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct remained in the meeting during the consideration thereof, but took no part in the debate or vote on the application).


(Councillor Drayson declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in this matter in so far as he was appointed by Rother District Council as a Director to Alliance Homes (Rother) Ltd who were the developers of the site and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct remained in the meeting during the consideration thereof, but took no part in the debate on the application).


(Councillor Thomas declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in this matter in so far as he was appointed by Rother District Council as a Director to Alliance Homes (Rother) Ltd who were the developers of the site and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct remained in the meeting during the consideration thereof, but took no part in the debate on the application).

Supporting documents: