Agenda item

Recommendations of the Off-Street Car Parks Task and Finish Group


Cabinet received and considered Minute OSC20/57 arising from the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) held on 26 April 2021 that had considered off-street car parking provision in the district.  The OSC had undertaken a thorough review of the Council’s off-street car parking through the establishment of the Off-Street Car Parks Task and Finish Group (OSCPT&FG) Chaired by Councillor Mrs Cook. 


Councillor Mrs Cook addressed Cabinet and paid tribute to the officers and Members for their input into the work of the OSCPT&FG.  The OSCPT&FG had been meeting regularly since October 2020 and had monitored the impact of Civil Parking Enforcement on usage of off-street car parks, charges, hours of operation and permits, as well as generation of sufficient revenue to maintain the car parks.  As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and third lockdown in December 2020, the findings and information gathered had not provided accurate data, therefore, it was suggested that monitoring continued throughout the summer until October 2021.  


Councillor Osborne confirmed that the OSC had held a thorough debate and several additional recommendations had been proposed for Cabinet’s approval; these included reduced daily charges, generic chargeable hours, improved signage and installation of a cash machine.


Cabinet acknowledged the work of the OSCPT&FG and considered the recommendations proposed.  After discussion, Cabinet approved the reduced daily charges at Wainwright Road – Bexhill, Gibbets Marsh – Rye and Lower Market – Battle, alignment of chargeable hours across all car parks within the district, installation of signage, where required and installation of a cash and card payment machine at Manor Gardens car park (anticipated by July).  The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Regeneration was particularly grateful for the work of the OSCPT&FG and the contribution she had been able to make to the review. 


It was queried whether the reduction in charges required the full due legal process as the likelihood of objections were minimal; the Head of Service undertook to ensure that the changes agreed were implemented as soon as practically possible within the legal framework that the Council had to operate and working with the Council’s contractors and suppliers to keep administrative costs to a minimum.     


A further recommendation was proposed and agreed to task the OSCPT&FG with investigating the possibility of a weekly parking ticket via the Ringo app and ticket machines. 




1)    Wainwright Road – Bexhill Gibbets Marsh – Rye and Lower Market – Battle be designated as ‘long stay’ car parks.  The daily parking charge for Wainwright Road and Gibbets Marsh be reduced from £5 to £2 per day and for Lower Market to £3 per day, for both summer and winter as soon as reasonably practicable to encourage usage of these less used ‘out of town’ car parks;


2)    the chargeable hours be brought into line across all car parks as soon as reasonably practicable, with charging starting at 8:00am and finishing at 7:00pm;


3)    signage be installed to promote parking at Gibbets Marsh – Rye, Little Common – Bexhill, Lower Market – Battle and Wainwright Road – Bexhill car parks to improve visibility of the facility as ‘long stay’;


4)    a cash and card payment machine be installed at Manor Gardens car park; and


5)    the Off-Street Car Parks Task and Finish Group be tasked with investigating the possibility of a weekly parking ticket via the Ringo app and ticket machines. 

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