Agenda item

RR/2021/1608/P - Former Ashwood Nursing Home, Heathfield Road, Burwash Common, Burwash





This application was a resubmission of Application No. RR/2020/1798/P which had been appealed against for non-determination.  In May 2021, the Planning Committee had resolved not to defend the appeal, which was against officer recommendation.  It was noted that some updated plans (site layout, street elevations, proposed site plan and phasing plan) had been submitted and that Environmental Health had advised the need for an air quality assessment and noise survey relating to the properties adjacent to the A265.  It was also noted that the Lead Local Flood Authority had retained their previous objection and requested that infiltration testing be submitted upfront.


The proposal was for the demolition of an existing building (former nursing home) and redevelopment of the site to provide 12 residential units (block of four flats, 3-terraced houses, one pair of semi-detached houses, a detached and two self-build detached houses), car parking, cycle and refuse facilities and associated works on a vacant brownfield site.  Members were advised that the proposed dwellings would not contribute towards the residual housing needs of the village of Burwash, as there was no requirement for new dwellings in Burwash Common as identified in the Council’s Rother Local Plan Core Strategy.  Application concerns related to design issues (density), large parking area, harm to the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, living conditions of future occupiers with some of the proposed units, unjustified loss of a community facility, as well as affordable housing not being secured.  Prior to submission, the Applicant had sought pre-application advice, had carried out extensive consultation with the local community which had resulted in a reduction of dwellings and car parking, as well as design changes.


Members heard from the Applicant and the Applicant’s Agent and local Ward Member who advised that a local action group ‘Save Our Fields’ had submitted no objections to the site.  It was noted that, in principle, Burwash Parish Council was in favour of the site being developed but expressed concerns about density, as well as the reservations outlined by Rother District Council which had not been addressed. 


After full consideration of the proposals, officers’ concerns, information and comments from the statutory and non-statutory bodies, the Planning Committee felt that a Nursing Home facility was not required within this location, development on the brownfield site outweighed the loss of the community facility, replaced a building that was an “eyesore” and that housing was much needed within the village.  The Planning Committee requested that delegated authority be given to officers to apply relevant standard conditions (relating to Time limit for commencement of development; Approved plans; Materials; Plans of architectural detailing; Hard and soft landscaping; Archaeology – pre-commencement – Applicant’s agreement required; Noise survey to include mitigation for noise from traffic; Contaminated land; Construction management plan; Hours of delivery during construction phase; Highways – access improvements, visibility, parking, turning and a travel plan statement; Electric charge points; Tree protection – pre-commencement – Applicant’s agreement required; Drainage – pre-commencement – Applicant’s agreement required; Ecology – enhancement measures suggested in ecological report; Water efficiency; Accessible/adaptable dwellings; and Self-build units), along with securing a Section 106 agreement to secure 2.2 affordable housing units (two units on site and a 20% commuted sum).


Councillor Mrs Barnes moved the motion to APPROVE PLANNING PERMISSION and this was seconded by Councillor Harmer.  The motion was declared CARRIED (10 for / 1 against).


NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK: In accordance with the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework (paragraph 38) and with the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015, the Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against all material considerations, including planning policies and any representations that have been received and subsequently determining to grant planning permission in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out within the National Planning Policy Framework.

Supporting documents: