Agenda item

RR/2022/1232/P - 3 Virgins Croft, Battle





The proposal was to build an upward extension to the side and rear of a semi-detached cottage located on the east side of Virgins Croft, within the footprint of the existing single-story extension, as well as associated works including new windows and doors.  The application was a resubmission of three similar previously refused and one withdrawn application.  The property was within the development boundary for Battle and within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).  The officer’s opinion was that the addition would be prominent, not respect the character or design of the property, would not appear visually subservient to the host building, would have a harmful impact on neighbouring amenities, by loss of light and would be overbearing and the recommendation was for refusal.


The Planning Committee heard from the Applicant’s agent who outlined the Applicant’s local connection to Battle, details of the application including history of other 2-storey extensions to properties within the row of houses (three at present) and materials to be used including solar panels.  Members also heard from the local Ward Member who was supportive of the application.  Comments were also noted from Battle Town Council, as well as the Sussex Newt Officer who had no objection to the application.


After deliberation, the Planning Committee felt that a precedent had already been established, as other properties in the row of houses had 2-storey extensions.  They felt that the proposal was not overly large or an incongruous addition and would appear subservient to the host property.  It was considered that the design would significantly improve the property and enhance the character and appearance of the street scene and scenic beauty within the High Weald AONB.  Therefore, the Planning Committee granted full planning permission in accordance with the approved plans and subject to the inclusion of relevant standard conditions (delegated to officers to consider in consultation with and subject to the agreement of the Vice-Chair) including the use of relevant (in-keeping) materials.


Councillor Curtis moved the motion to APPROVE (Full Planning) and this was seconded by Councillor Mier.  The motion was declared CARRIED (12 for / 1 against / 1 abstention).




1.    The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: In accordance with section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).


2.    The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and details:

            Drawing no. 2089/01 revision E dated April 2022

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


3.    No development above ground level shall take place until further details of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure that the development reflects the character and appearance of the existing building and to preserve the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policy OSS4(iii) of the Rother Local Plan Core Strategy and Policy HG9(ii) of the Rother Development and Site Allocations Plan.




1.    The applicant is reminded that, under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) and the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), it is an offence to (amongst other things): deliberately capture, disturb, injure or kill great crested newts; damage or destroy a breeding or resting place; deliberately obstruct access to a resting or sheltering place. Planning approval for a development does not provide a defence against prosecution under these acts. Should great crested newts be found at any stages of the development works, then all works should cease, and Natural England should be contacted for advice.


The above minute was amended at the subsequent Planning Committee meeting held on 1 September 2022.

Supporting documents: