Agenda item


To authorise the Chair to sign the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 21 July 2022 as a correct record of the proceedings.


Subject to the following additions/amendments in respect of RR/2022/840/P – Land at Beech Farm, Hawkhurst Road, Sedlescombe, RR/2022/1219/P – Pepperpot Barn, Carrisk Hill and RR/2022/1232/P – 3 Virgins Croft, Battle,the Vice-Chair was authorised to sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 July 2022 as a correct record of the proceedings:




Paragraph 1 first sentence the word “neutral” to be replaced with “negative”.


Paragraph 4 remove the words “(kit or not)”.


Paragraph 5 to be replaced with the following: “Councillor Gray suggested that the application proposals did meet the terms of Part E of Paragraph of the NPPF, which was a material consideration in respect of this application.  In her view the scheme, did meet a truly outstanding standard of design, through its form, based on the shape of historic barns.  The materials, appearance and function, achieving carbon negative standard would be achieved.  It was also clear that, due to the method of construction and affordability, the proposals could act to raise design standards locally, thus contributing to the aim of achieving sustainable development and addressing the climate emergency.  The design could also be considered on a site wide basis where it had been demonstrated that the scheme would restore and enhance the character of the High Weald landscape and net gains in biodiversity within the wider site, thus enhancing its setting and would be sensitive to the local area as acknowledged by the High Weald AONB Unit advice.  The live work arrangement of the proposals, and the improved highway safety were further material considerations in favour of the development and when considered, in light of, the Council’s current housing supply shortfall, an approval was considered to be justified subject to the imposition of suitable conditions and securing the long-term landscape and ecology benefits.  It was agreed by the Vice-Chair that this, as well at it being an exemplar design were the reasons for recommending approval contrary to officer recommendation.”


Paragraph 6 remove the words “subject to the signing of a legal agreement for the provision of a financial contribution in lieu of affordable housing.”


RR/2022/1219/P – Add an additional two paragraphs after second paragraph, as follows: “There was discussion with regard to Paragraph 85 of the NPPF which required recognition that sites to meet local business and community needs in rural areas might have to be found adjacent to or beyond existing settlements, and in locations that are not well served by public transport.  In these circumstances, it would be important to ensure that development was sensitive to its surroundings, did not have an unacceptable impact on local roads and exploited any opportunities to make a location more sustainable (e.g. by improving the scope for access on foot, by cycling or public transport).  The use of previously developed land, and sites that were physically well-related to existing settlements, should be encouraged where suitable opportunities exist.


Officers reminded Members that this paragraph of the NPPF was in relation to building strong and effective economies, not housing and as such could not be used to justify the proposed development.”


Paragraph 3 to remove “and paragraph 80 of the NPPF” at the end of the first sentence.


Paragraph 4 to be reworded, as follows: “Therefore, it was resolved by the Planning Committee to grant full planning permission subject to the inclusion of relevant standard conditions (delegated to officers to consider in consultation with and subject to the agreement of the Vice-Chair) including the removal of permitted development rights and that the permission included the continuation of the carpentry business.”


RR/2022/1232/P – Paragraph 4 to be reworded, as follows: “Therefore, the Planning Committee resolved to grant full planning permission in accordance with the approved plans and subject to the inclusion of relevant standards conditions (delegated to officers to consider in consultation with and subject to the agreement of the Vice-Chair) including the use of relevant (in-keeping) materials.”


(Councillor Vine-Hall declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest regarding Minute Reference PL22/36 in so far as he was the Applicant and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct left the room during the consideration thereof).