Agenda item

Member Question Time


1.    Pursuant to Paragraph 11 of the Council Procedure Rules the following oral question was put by Councillor Ganly and answered by Councillor Oliver.


Question: Could you confirm the total spend on the Town Hall Renaissance Project to date.


Answer: The total spend to date is £730,117.


Supplementary Oral Question: Are officers, on Cabinet’s instructions, working up another planning application for the Town Hall Renaissance Project?


Answer: All Capital Projects have effectively been stalled because of the current situation with overall finances going forward, so at this moment in time, the matter is with officers in order to identify where we go from here.  The answer is therefore no.


2.    Pursuant to Paragraph 11 of the Council Procedure Rules the following oral question was put by Councillor Mrs Barnes and answered by Councillor Oliver.


Question: I was somewhat puzzled as Blackfriars has attained its planning permission as well as a design prize to learn that there are design changes intended.  I do hope there will be no compromise on its high standards of design and its green credentials.  Can we be told what is going on please?


Answer: Any changes from the original scheme have to be managed through the Council’s Planning Committee and it will therefore be carried out in an open and transparent manner. 


3.    Pursuant to Paragraph 11 of the Council Procedure Rules the following oral question was put by Councillor J. Barnes and answered by Councillor Jeeawon.


Question: Given the savings achieved by the Financial Stability Programme have again fallen short of the target, would the lead Member please indicate what level of savings will be needed in 2023/24 and in 2024/25 if the Council is to maintain our level of reserves at the minimum level required at one third of net spend.


Answer: Further to our previous Cabinet meeting the Council reserves is looking to be set at £5m.  In terms of the actual figure that is going to be needed to marry up the Financial Stability Programme 2023/24, I would need to consult with the Chief Finance Officer and come back to you with the required figures.  


4.    Pursuant to Paragraph 11 of the Council Procedure Rules the following oral question was put by Councillor J. Barnes and answered by Councillor Oliver.


Question: I’ve recently been made away that the cost of the Spine Road at Blackfriars has more than doubled to £8.6m and is running well behind schedule.  What has caused the increase and what steps are being taken to prevent further loss and delay?


Answer: I asked the same question of the Chief Executive and Senior Management Team and there is statement going out this week which should be with Members during the next couple of days regarding Blackfriars, and I have asked the Chief Executive to bring a report forward in the new year so this information can be clarified and identified so we know which way we are going forward. 


Supplementary Oral Question: Why has this not been reported to Cabinet and or Audit and Standards Committee before this date?  It is only in the public domain via a Freedom of Information request.


Answer: As a result of that I have requested an interim statement and a full report to come forward.

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