Agenda item

Rother Health and Well-Being: Leisure Facilities Strategy


Members received the report of the Head of Neighbourhood Services which outlined the results of the public consultation on the draft Health and Well-Being: Leisure Facilities Strategy for consideration and amendment, prior to final approval of the strategy by Cabinet and full Council.


Rother District Council (RDC) had undertaken to review leisure requirements across the district for longer-term planning once demand for leisure services and the financial climate became clearer following COVID.  To be considered in conjunction with the review, was the wider Playing Pitch and Leisure Facilities Strategy currently being undertaken jointly by the planning teams of both RDC and Hastings Borough Council, to ensure the new Local Plan reflected residents’ and sports club’s requirements into the future. 


Consideration had been given to the fact that the current leisure management contract for Bexhill Leisure Centre and Bexhill Leisure Pool, operated by Freedom Leisure (FL), expired on 31 March 2024 and the separate Rye Sports Centre contract, also operated by FL, expired on 31 March 2026, and so a clear direction was required for the future management of these facilities.  Members also noted that the leisure facilities buildings in Bexhill were coming to the end of their structural ‘life’ and ‘patch repairs’ to the current structure were no longer economical or environmentally efficient. The buildings were in need of major refurbishment or replacement and it was therefore important that a strategy was agreed for the provision of appropriate leisure facilities for the future.


In January 2022, Cabinet approved the appointment of a leisure strategist to complete market research on residents’ use and requirements from built leisure facilities across the district and on health and well-being in general, to inform a draft Health and Well-Being: Leisure Facilities Strategy.  The draft strategy was approved by Cabinet in October 2022 and then went for public consultation via an online survey during November and December 2022. The public consultation sought comments and feedback on all aspects of the strategy, but most particularly the strategy’s vision, key principles, aims and objectives, the role of town and parish councils as partners in leisure services and swimming provision.


The total responses received was 685, of which 667 were completed online and 18 received by email or letter, with the overwhelming majority, 634, coming from Rother residents. Detailed analysis of the consultation results were appended to the report. 


The results were strongly supportive overall of the draft strategy and it was not considered necessary to change any of the recommendations. However, some additional commentary could be added to paragraph 5.3 of the draft Strategy to better reflect some of the comments made concerning elements that were considered missing from the Strategy. 


During the debate, the following points were noted:

·         it was noted that the condition of playing pitches had been audited during the wet winter months as part of the emerging Playing Pitch and Leisure Facilities Strategy currently being undertaken jointly by the planning teams of both RDC and Hastings Borough Council;

·         the provision of all-weather pitches at strategic locations across the district would be an ideal position with RDC working in partnership and providing the capital costs and local stakeholders running the facilities;

·         it was noted, disappointedly, that only one person in the 18-24 age bracket had responded to the consultation, whereas other age groups and ethnicity had been a better representative of the demographics of the area;

·         it was not surprising that the issue of the temporary closure of Rye Swimming Pool had featured in the responses and Members were pleased to note that sources of other funding were being pursued to provide a sustainable facility into the future and hopefully reopen the pool as soon as possible; and

·         Members were disappointed at the lack of response from the parish and town councils across the district, with a noticeable absence from Bexhill-on-Sea Town Council and that further work to engage with these stakeholders would be required in the future.


Members were disappointed that Cabinet had not previously approved their suggested re-wording for Key Principle 2 of the Strategy that had put greater emphasis on RDC’s role as a deliverer – no other organisation / private sector provider was going to develop and deliver the type and range of leisure facilities that the public wanted.  The Strategy should be an aspirational document and opportunities could present themselves in the future to enable development.  Members agreed to recommend for a second time that Key Principle 2 be reworded, as this could ensure that any future potential Government funding streams would be accessible, should an opportunity present itself.  


The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Communities, Culture and Tourism addressed the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and commended the Strategy that was considered an excellent piece of work that provided a clear approach for the next 10 years and thanks were extended to the Rachel Fowler and the team at RDC for its production.  It was noted that Key Principle 2 currently stated:  ‘The Council’s role is primarily one of enabler, sign-poster and deliverer where possible, to opportunities to be physically active’.


RESOLVED: That Cabinet be requested to recommend to Council that the draft Rother Health and Well-Being: Leisure Facilities Strategy be approved and adopted, as amended by:


1)         additional commentary at paragraph 5.3 of the Strategy to encapsulate the points raised through the consultation concerning missing elements; and


2)         Key Principle 2 be reworded as follows: “The Council’s role is one of deliverer as well as enabler and sign-poster to opportunities to be physically active’.

Supporting documents: