Agenda item

Local Code of Corporate Governance and Annual Governance Statement (AGS)


The Local Code of Corporate Governance, attached at Appendix A to the report, was a public statement of the ways in which the Council would achieve good corporate governance, based on the development of the new ‘Delivering Good Governance in Local Government: Framework’ (CIPFA/Solace, 2016) (‘the Framework’) and focused on the seven core principles and sub-principles of good governance. The Framework was intended to assist authorities individually in reviewing and accounting for their own unique approach.


Although previously adopted by the Council, the full compliance assessment had never been undertaken.  The full detailed line by line assessment had been carried out for the first time and was CIPFA best practice.  Members were extremely appreciative of the comprehensive assessment and resulting recommendations which provided a vast improvement in previous years and would further support, strengthen and develop the governance framework, local accountability and transparency.


The Annual Governance Statement (AGS) was prepared following a review of all the evidence available to the A&SC, the Council’s Senior Leadership Team, Corporate Management Team, Audit Manager, external audit and the statutory officers of the Council in seeking compliance with its Local Code and was attached at Appendix B to the report.


The AGS provided assurances as to the in-year operation of the risk and governance arrangements adopted by the Council.  It set out how the Council ensured that its business was conducted in accordance with the law and proper standards and that public money was safeguarded and properly accounted for and used economically, effectively and efficiently in the delivery of its services. The outcome of the review was set out under the heading of Governance Issues.


During the debate the following points were noted:


     the assessment related to the 2022/23 year, improvements in the performance management framework introduced within the last six months were not currently “embedded” at the point of the review and would be captured in future assessments;

     the presentation/layout of the report was difficult;

     discussions were on-going as to how the authority could capture all various recommendations across the whole of the Council from all different sources and the Corporate Programme, Risk and Improvement Manager and her Team would be instrumental in this work to ensure effective monitoring and accountability; consideration would need to be given to which committee of the Council would be the appropriate reporting mechanism to receive updates on progress;

     it was disappointing to note that there were currently no procedures in place to capture and share positive feedback and compliments;

     it was noted that the “Councillor Call for Acton” sat within the remit of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and was contained within the Constitution – details would be circulated to Members; and

     Members were keen to be involved in any projects / development of the communications strategy to support improved engagement initiatives within communities.


The report demonstrated the robust approach the Council took to ensure good governance. The issues highlighted through inspection, both internal and external, provided assurance that the controls and procedures in place provided Members with a high degree of assurance.  The report highlighted the areas where improvement was required and the risks to the Council and its partners resulting from the poor economic climate and the associated impact on funding in the public sector.


The arrangements set out within the updated Local Code of Corporate Governance and the AGS would allow the Council to move forward with its corporate planning processes and remain confident that it could address the issues of governance and risk. Adoption of the Local Code would demonstrate the Council’s compliance with best practice.




1)   the Local Code of Corporate Governance and improvement actions be approved;


2)   the Annual Governance Statement be approved; and


3)   the Statement be signed by the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive.

Supporting documents: