Agenda item

Purchase of former Sidley Highways Depot site, Elva Way, Bexhill and Food Waste Collections 'New Burdens' Capital Funding


Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Neighbourhood Services which sought approval to set aside capital funding to purchase the former Sidley Highways Depot at Elva Way to use as a waste depot and agree a lease with the waste contractor,  and increase the Capital Programme to purchase suitable vehicles and containers to comply with Government legislation for the Council to deliver a weekly food waste collection service from 1 April 2026.


The Council formed part of the East Sussex Joint Waste Partnership (ESJWP) with Hastings Borough Council and Wealden District Council to deliver a waste collection service.  The contract was outsourced to Biffa Municipal Limited until June 2026 and included an option to extend to 2033 with the ability to introduce food waste collections.  However, the contract did not require Biffa to provide depot space.


Members were advised that the current depot facilities would not have the capacity to accommodate the additional vehicles for the collection of food waste and therefore it was critical that an additional suitable depot space was identified and acquired.  Unfortunately, at present the Council did not own a suitable site.  Alternative options were also considered, such as land purchase etc. as identified within the report.  However, the site at Elva Way owned by East Sussex County Council (ESCC) became available and was considered suitable, subject to planning permission and operating licences, as it had previously been used as a highways depot. 


The site was not leasable, and Biffa had confirmed that it was suitable for a waste depot, however further investment would be required to make it fit-for-purpose.  It was considered that as the land had been used as a waste depot previously, obtaining necessary operators’ licences would be relatively straightforward, and although not large enough to accommodate the whole Rother service, it would offer  future potential to deliver an in-house waste collection service.  The Council had been given the opportunity to purchase the land at an agreed price, prior to it being advertised on the open market, and subject to the transaction being completed as soon as possible.  A request for depot ‘New Burdens’ funding was sent to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) on 8 February 2024 based on the purchase of the site, however funding was not guaranteed.


DEFRA funding has been made available, subject to ministerial approval for councils to purchase food waste vehicles and containers.  For Rother, this would amount to £1.42m (£716,000 vehicles / £326,000 containers).  Funding was expected to be received before 31 March 2024.  However, it would not be sufficient to cover all costs and the ESJWP would shortly be submitting evidence to DEFRA to request additional funding.


After discussion, Cabinet felt that the former Sidley Highways Depot at Elva Way would be suitable to operate the waste collection services and provided long-term investment opportunity for the Council.  Some residents were concerned at the potential for disturbance due to the proximity of their gardens that backed on to the site, however all necessary steps would be taken to mitigate against any disruption.  Members were also reassured that localised employment opportunities would be realised.  


It was therefore, recommended that the Capital Programme be increased to purchase and refurbish the site, as well as £1.42m, plus an additional £300,000 to implement the weekly food waste collections and cover the shortfall.  Delegated authority was also granted, as requested, to adjust finances as required and to complete the purchase to ensure that the site was fully operational by 1 April 2026.


At the conclusion of the debate on this item, the Leader paid tribute to and gave thanks to Madeleine Gorman, Waste Partnership Manager who would be retiring in the near future.  Madeleine had worked at Rother District Council for many years as a Head of Service before taking on the role of Partnership Manager for the Joint Waste, Recycling, Beach & Street Cleaning Partnership contract.  Her expertise, detailed knowledge and partnership management would be greatly missed.




1)     the Capital Programme be increased by £1.75m for the purchase and refurbishment of the former Sidley Highways Depot, Elva Way; and


2)     the funding from the Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs for the implementation of weekly food waste collections of £1.42m be added to the Capital Programme plus a further amount of £300,000 be approved to cover the funding shortfall.




*RESOLVED: That delegated authority be granted to the Director - Place and Climate Change, in consultation with the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services, Tourism and Joint Waste Contract:


1)     to complete the purchase of former Sidley Highways Depot, Elva Way and complete all necessary procurement and refurbishment to make the site operational as a waste depot from 1 April 2026;


2)     to take the necessary steps to agree a lease of the former Sidley Highways Depot to the Waste, Recycling, Street & Beach Cleansing Contractor Biffa; and


3)     delegated authority be granted to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance and Governance, to adjust the financing should further central Government funding for the depot site and food waste collections be made available.


*The RESOLVED parts of this Minute are subject to the call-in procedure under Rule 16 of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.


(Councillors Field, Mrs Kirby-Green and Maynard each declared an Other Registrable Interest in this matter in so far as they were Members of East Sussex County Council (ESCC) and as the matter directly related to the finances of the ESCC, in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct left the meeting during the consideration thereof.)

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