Agenda item

Biffa Update

To receive a presentation from the Contractor on the updated mobilisation plan for the Waste Collection, Recycling, Street and Beach Cleaning and Associated Services Contract.


The Senior Operations Project Manager led Members through Biffa’s presentation which provided an update on the progress of the mobilisation plan for the Waste Collection, Recycling, Street and Beach Cleaning and Associated Services Contract.  During the presentation the following points were noted:


·       Weekly meetings were being held to review previous minutes and mobilisation plan; assess and update the risk register; and all demobilisation information had been received from Kier.

·       Communications Plan included regular updates with staff, key meetings with regional/union representatives (GMB/Unison), Comfort meetings (open door policy), interaction with Kier staff and a welcome pack; positive feedback had been received.  Staff surveys were ongoing and work continued with the Partnership to ensure a clear message on the new collection arrangements for co-mingled glass with recycling.

·       Fleet: front-line vehicles had been ordered.  The FTA (monitors driving hours) system was already in use and would be retained.  The HGV operator licence (O Licence) had been transferred, all assets agreed, as well as livery and vehicle wrapping format.  The O Licence at Bellbrook would be increased and parking location security implemented.  Regular updates were being received from the supplier.

·       Work had been undertaken to ensure all HR requirements were established and embedded which included regular reviews with Kier; a welcome pack; training matrix was received and highlighted staffing gaps, Comfort meetings, the supply of Employee Liability Information data; 1:2:1 reviews completed with 240 staff; and transformation programme post contract (job titles etc.).  Annual Leave Policy would be standardised for all staff (April to March).

·       The following had been completed as part of progression on the IT systems and infrastructure, namely Tom Toms and Smart phones ordered; Biffa “To Be Live” created – Whitespace data to feed Tom Toms etc.; cabling surveys; creation of round identification; and simplified network systems.  IT equipment had been ordered, testing was ongoing. 

·       Properties: conditional and structural surveys had been completed at each location, the transfer of assets e.g. furniture agreed, leases shortly to be agreed and solicitors appointed.  Statutory compliance documentation was still being received from Kier.  Agreement had been reached to transfer Bellbrook’s permit.

·       All Health and Safety activities had been or were scheduled to be completed including training gaps identified.

·       A robust training programme would be established across all areas to ensure a professional management and skilled workforce.  Six driver training courses had been established and were well attended.  Further sessions were scheduled post contract start.

·       Operation: uniforms and street cleansing barrows ordered, risk assessments received, red flag properties identified, organisation structure established, all replacement signs ready for contract start, support to “Go Live” identified to assist on day one.

·       All identified risks would be closely monitored.

·       Camber Sands: Biffa had experience of managing beach contracts throughout UK.  Meetings were scheduled with key Rother staff to understand past issues and discuss future requirements.

·       High Speed Roads: Detailed risk assessments would be undertaken; staff training implemented; necessary permits sought; and co-ordinate with third party agencies.


At the conclusion of the presentation, Members had the opportunity to ask questions and during discussion the following was clarified and noted:


·       Co-mingled Collection: a joint communications campaign would be launched to ensure that residents were aware of service changes from contract start (Saturday 29 June 2019).  One significant change, glass would be co-mingled with recycling materials.  Bin hangers would be used to communicate all changes; wording had been agreed by the Partnership.

·       Concern was raised that recent media reports had indicated that Biffa’s recycling profits had declined.  As a result of the impact of mixed recycling fibres in China, the Committee was advised that reduced profits had been anticipated.  Reassurance was given that overall Biffa’s financial situation was sound.

·       Detritus / Litter on main routes and laybys: Assurance was sought that regular collections would be undertaken along main/high speed routes (A21, A22, A259 etc.) including laybys.  Biffa advised that all main routes would be regularly monitored and a service plan implemented. 

·       Skilled Workforce: Biffa was focused on identifying all upskilled staff and providing a robust training programme which included apprenticeship schemes, driving courses, IT and literacy skills and in-house train the trainers courses.

The new contract would take time to embed with significant challenges anticipated.  Assurance was given that Biffa was committed to providing a successful Contract across the Partnership.   


RESOLVED: That the presentation be noted.