Issue - decisions

UK Exit from the European Union (BREXIT)

13/03/2020 - UK Exit from the European Union (BREXIT)

At the meeting on 24 September 2018 (Minute AS18/20 refers), Members requested that consideration be given to the Strategic Risk Register in order to take into account the potential effects of the impending departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU).  A further report was brought to this Committee on the 25 March 2019 (Minute AS18/42).  At the time of writing this report the delayed departure date from the EU has now been set for 31 October 2019.  A scenario in which the UK leaves the EU without agreement (a ‘no deal’ exit) still remains uncertain.


The Minister for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) had recently written to the Leaders of all local authorities in England stating that the UK would be leaving on the 31 October and emphasised the role of Local Government in preparing for EU Exit. 


An EU Exit Team had been set up consisting of  the Head of Planning; Head of Environmental Health, Licensing and Community Safety; ICT Manager; Emergency Planning Officer; and Human Resources Manager who met on a weekly basis to consider communications received, the risk register and action log and tracking preparative activity for EU Exit.  Whilst the Council could not be held accountable for EU implications for businesses and communities, it did have a role in assisting with communications and ensuring businesses and communities understood and were aware of the issues and could take the necessary actions to mitigate or minimise disruption.


All local authorities had received a grant to assist with the resource impacts for having to prepare for EU Exit.  Rother District Council (RDC) had received £17,484 in the 2018/19 financial year with a similar grant received for the 2019/20 financial year, a total of c£35,000, however to date, no funds had been allocated. The Sussex Resilience Forum had also received a regional grant into which RDC could bid for further financial assistance if special regional circumstances arose that affected Rother District.  These grants were not expected to meet any on-going costs to services following Brexit.


Members commended officers for their work. It was requested and agreed that Members be kept informed following meetings of the EU Exit Team.




1)         Members be sent regular updates from the EU Exit Team; and


2)         the report be noted.