Issue - decisions

Report of the Lead Director

15/01/2021 - Biffa Update

The Senior Business Manager led Members through Biffa’s presentation which provided an update on the Waste Collection, Recycling, Street and Beach Cleaning and Associated Services Contract.  During the presentation the following points were noted:


·         Health and Safety: This was a primary focus for Biffa.  During the period October 2020 to November 2020, 629 near misses and hazards (concerns reported by employees), as well as four personal injuries were reported.  Out of 15,433 staff working days, the accident rate equated to 0.03%.  The following safety improvements had been applied (year to date): launched safer together initiative; increased CCTV monitoring; accident and vehicle accident investigations completed within six days; safety improvement meetings held; increased depot based trainer pool; revised driver induction process; continuous review of COVID-19 secure measures;  security devices installed in 13 collection vehicles; and promotion of relevant incidents to Operation Crackdown.

·         HR Update: As of November 2020, there were 12 (seven LGV drivers and five Loader/Operatives) full-time vacant positions.  Average staff turn-over from October to November 2020 was 1.5%, a decrease of 1% since the last meeting.

·         Since the last meeting, no amendments had been made to the Organisation Chart.

·         Overall collection and street cleansing performance had improved across the Partnership; monitoring would be ongoing.

·         High Speed Road Maintenance Programme (in consultation with the Highway Authority) had been established and was being successfully executed across the Partnership.

·         Container Deliveries: In October and November 98% and 85% respectively of container deliveries had been completed within the Service Level Agreement (100% in August and September); the results were attributed to a change of supplier and delivery issues.

·         COVID-19: Between October and November 2020, 89 working days had been lost as a result of absence relating to the Coronavirus which had caused an impact on service performance.  Remedial key actions included increased communication, personal protection equipment and cleansing regimes; improved signage; introduced COVID-19 Secure Officer; daily absence monitoring; and installation of Perspex screens.  It was noted that one employee had tested positive (contracted by co-habitant); the employee was required to self-isolate in-line with Close Contact protocol.  Members were advised that no employees had contracted COVID-19 through the Biffa workforce.

·         Culture Change – Investment: Depot improvements had commenced at Bellbrook.  COVID-19 secure inspections completed, and employee of the month nominations and awards issued.  Employee enrolment to the downloadable Biffa Group App, known as Biffa Beat was ongoing.  One member of the Management Team was currently on maternity leave; their role was being covered by a temporary appointment.

·         Contractual Updates: It was confirmed that actions had and were being commenced within the Annual Improvement Plan e.g. recycling stickers had been issued to residents and that investigations regarding alternative rubbish containment and management solutions at Camber Sands were still on-going etc.

·         2021 Preparing the Future: Biffa recognised future challenges faced by the Partnership and would be focusing on the following considerations namely the Environment Bill; 65% recycling target; separate weekly food waste collections; and national and local carbon footprint commitments.


At the conclusion of the presentation, Members had the opportunity to ask questions and the following was noted:


·         High Speed Routes: Service performance had significantly improved; it was important that the current schedule was upheld, and that regular cleansing was completed throughout the year.  Client officers would need to advise Biffa of any additional roads they wished to be included within the programme.

·         Health and Safety: Members requested that Near Miss and Hazard Reporting data was detailed separately in future presentations.  Biffa agreed to do this.

·         Assisted Collections: Members requested that continued missed assisted collection performance was addressed, as performance had slipped in November, particularly in Hastings.  It was clarified that revised internal procedures had been implemented and enhanced daily monitoring would be ongoing.

·         COVID-19 infections: Clarity was sought on Biffa’s claim that “no employees had contracted COVID-19 through the workforce.”  Biffa followed the WISH Forum guidance (health and safety guidance for the waste management industry), used the Track and Trace NHS COVID-19 App and consulted with the Partnership Authority’s Environmental Health officers.  Stringent health and safety measures had been implemented to ensure the workforce was fully protected.

·         Carbon Reduction: Clarity was sought on what measures Biffa would introduce to support each Council’s commitment to reduce its carbon footprint.  The Joint Waste Partnership Manager advised that these matters were being considered by a countywide Waste Strategy and Resource Group, led by East Sussex County Council (ESCC) which included all Partnership authorities, as well as Eastbourne, Lewes and Brighton.  ESSC would be consulting with Biffa and Members would be updated on developments at the meeting scheduled to be held on Friday 26 March 2021.

·         Recycling Percentage Target: The Joint Waste Partnership Manager advised that the current recycling target had been agreed as a result of the performance of the previous contractor and established during the new contract procurement process in 2017/18.  As a result of the pandemic, it was considered inappropriate to adjust this target at present; targets would be reviewed towards the end of 2021.

·         Street Cleansing NI195 Surveys: Concern was raised regarding the distances that Street Cleansing Assessors were having to travel (West Country to Rye) to complete NI195 surveys.  The Joint Waste Partnership Manager advised that WYG Consultants provided excellent external independent advice which was vital for the Contract.  Assessors travelled across the whole of the country; she agreed to forward the Committee’s concerns to WYG.

·         WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)Collection: The Committee sought clarity on WEEE collections, as complaints had been received that items had either not been collected or deposited with the normal rubbish.  Biffa advised that there had been some initial teething issues, however these should now be resolved.  Any further issues should be reported in the normal way.

·         Electric Vehicles (EV): The Committee sought an update on the EV project scheduled to be trialled in Hastings.  Results of an EV site survey were awaited.  Members were reminded that operating an EV fleet would only be effective and economically viable in an urban area.  Biffa advised that trial periods would be implemented in April 2021 and July 2021 (two vehicles).  Data, costings and performance would be collated and reported to the Committee later in the year.  Members were keen to see the process implemented sooner rather than later and requested that further information including timescales, costs and funding opportunities be included in future reports.


The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, thanked and congratulated Biffa and their workforce on their excellent performance and continued efforts to ensure that the waste and cleansing services were successfully delivered during these unprecedented times. 


RESOLVED: That the presentation be noted.