Issue - decisions

To consider the development of land within the North East Bexhill development allocation.

01/04/2021 - Development of land within the North East Bexhill development allocation (Paragraph 3)

Consideration was given to the confidential report of the Head of Acquisitions, Transformation and Regeneration concerning development of land within the North East Bexhill Development.  The Head of Acquisitions, Transformation and Regeneration outlined the planning history of the land and current position.  The importance of maintaining the confidentiality of this matter was reiterated to Members.


After consideration, Cabinet agreed that by granting an option on the land, it would help the Council to underpin the business case to enable delivery of the project.  It was therefore agreed that the Chief Executive be authorised to approve an option agreement with the Applicant to lease or dispose of land at the identified site, on terms to his satisfaction.


RESOLVED: That the Chief Executive be authorised to approve an option agreement with the Applicant to lease or sell land at the identified site, on terms to his satisfaction.


(This matter was considered exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended).