Issue - decisions

To consider an update on the Community Led Housing Programme

09/09/2021 - Housing Development; Community Led Housing Programme

Consideration was given to the report of the Housing Development Manager, which updated Members on the Community Led Housing (CLH) Programme including project progress.


In July 2017, £100,000 was approved of the Council’s Community Housing Fund (CHF) allocation (totalling £748,899) towards establishing the Sussex Community Housing Hub (SCHH) on a 4-year Service Level Agreement (SLA).  The SCHH offered a ‘one stop shop’ for all forms of community led schemes and provided essential support for communities wishing to deliver CLH projects.  Appendix A to the report detailed the range of services provided under the SLA.  It was proposed to renew the SLA for a further 4-year term ensuring that the Council had the required specialist expertise and access to funding to progress future projects.  It was also noted that the SCHH had become a Registered Provider (RP) which presented a significant opportunity to expedite growth of the CLH sector, as well as reduce potential risks of delivering smaller Section 106 rural housing sites.  RP status also enabled SCHH to apply for Homes England (HE) capital grant funding.


Previously, full Council approved ringfencing £50,000 of the CHF allocation for revenue spend, to support start-up fees of CLH groups and pre-development costs, as well as meeting any funding gaps to ensure community groups had the financial means to progress schemes.  This sum was almost depleted and to ensure enough funding was available, it was recommended that the remaining CHF allocation totalling £303,200.38 be ringfenced for both capital and revenue requests accordingly.


The report identified three current and two new emerging* CLH schemes in Rother, as follows:


·       Main Road, Icklesham: A rural exception site delivered by Icklesham Parish Community Land Trust (IPCLT) in partnership with Hastoe Housing Association.  In June 2021, construction commenced on 15 affordable homes, subject to Section 106 agreement.  The scheme achieved HE funds, and the Council had committed £297,000 of capital CHF.  Work was expected to be completed during the summer of 2022.

·       Cemetery Lodge, Bexhill: In September 2019, approval was granted to sell the Cemetery Lodge site to Bexhill Community Land Trust (BCLT) subject to progressing a planning application within 12 months.  In May 2021, the Cemetery entrance was permanently closed, and construction of a new entrance commenced.  To deliver a larger housing scheme, plans had progressed to redevelop and further optimise the site with the adjoining landowner.  A design workshop was held with the Council’s Planning Department to progress the scheme and a Heritage Statement commissioned by BCLT for planning requirements.  It was proposed to retain Cemetery Lodge.  The report apprised Members of the covenant restrictions attached to the site.  It was anticipated that the site could deliver up to 39 dwellings (56% to 70% affordable housing); an indicative plan was attached at Appendix B to the report.  HE funds were being sought.  Progression was dependent on further land negotiations, with or without the covenant and final agreement of an equivalent value of social housing land to offset the covenant accordingly.

·       Land at Fairview, Guestling: Identified for a rural exception CLH scheme.  The SCHH had commissioned a Housing Needs Survey; distributed to 1,129 households (24% response rate).  The results indicated strong support for a CLH scheme.  Guestling Parish Council would be taking the lead to progress a scheme.  It was proposed that the land be sold and to progress the sale delegated authority be granted to the Director of Place and Climate Change.

·       Battle*: 200-dwelling scheme which presented a significant opportunity for a CLH group to acquire homes for local people in perpetuity.  A formal steering group had been established and was meeting regularly to consider all options.  The finalised scheme must demonstrate long-term housing management arrangements, remain deliverable in order to ensure HE funds and completed in summer 2023.

·       Northiam*: 34-acre site acquired by Northiam Parish Council and CLH group established.  SCHH commissioned to undertake Housing Needs Survey and would be assisting with progression of a CLH scheme.


Cabinet approved all recommendations proposed and was fully supportive of the delivery of CLH schemes, increasing affordable housing projects (in perpetuity) and potentially attracting future funding opportunities to the district.




1)     the progress of the Community Lead Housing Programme in Rother be noted;


2)     the Service Level Agreement with the Sussex Community Housing Hub be renewed for four years, for the sum of £100,000 on updated terms and conditions to be agreed by the Portfolio Holder Housing and Homes and Director of Place and Climate Change;


3)     the remaining Rother District Council Community Housing Fund totalling £303,200.38 to be combined for both capital and revenue funding requests;


4)     to agree in principle that the value of the covenant placed by the Council on land adjacent to 276 Turkey Road be removed, subject to  an equivalent value provided in the form of land for additional affordable housing, over and above any Local Plan requirement, and that delegated authority be granted to the Director of Place and Climate Change to agree the final terms;


5)     in the first instance, the additional affordable housing to be offered to Bexhill Community Land Trust, to enable the affordable tenure to be secured legally in perpetuity;


6)     the Director of Place and Climate Change be granted delegated authority to sell the site of Cemetery Lodge to Bexhill Community Land Trust and final terms of sale, for the purposes of delivering a Community Led Housing scheme, subject to achieving full planning permission and incorporating Cemetery Lodge as part of any final scheme; and


7)     the Director of Place and Climate Change be granted delegated authority to sell the Land at Fairview, Guestling for the purposes of an affordable or community led housing development subject to agreeable terms to the satisfaction of the Director of Place and Climate Change.