Issue - decisions

To consider the draft Statement of Community Involvement (Planning Policy)

10/11/2021 - Updated Statement of Community Involvement

Members considered the draft updated ‘Statement of Community Involvement’ (SCI), attached as Appendix A to the report, which set out how and when the Council would carry out consultations and involve the community in both the preparation of planning policy documents and in the determination of planning applications.


The SCI had been subject to public consultation, following which a small number of minor amendments had been made as set out in the Consultation Summary Report, attached as Appendix B to the report.  None of the amendments made as a result of the public consultation had changed the substance of the draft updated SCI as presented to Cabinet in May this year. 


The main amendments to the SCI related to early engagement on plan-making and the Duty to Co-operate, changes to the public speaking processes at Planning Committee, brought in by the current administration, and the increased scope of engagement using new online platforms.  Members were pleased with the increased community engagement with both the public and the parish and town councils across the district that enabled participative and collaborative planning processes. 


The updated SCI provided a clear, transparent basis for carrying out consultations on future plans and would provide a useful reference to all interested parties on what involvement they could expect to have in planning decisions. 


RECOMMENDED: That the updated Statement of Community Involvement attached as Appendix A to the report be approved and adopted, with any comments being reported verbally to full Council.