Issue - decisions

Forgotten Places - A Presentation by Trees for Cities

26/11/2021 - Forgotten Places - A Presentation by Trees for Cities

The Chairman welcomed Kate Sheldon, Suzanne Simmons, Kate Sparrow and Danielle Hill from Trees for Cities, who gave Members a presentation on their project ‘Forgotten Places’.


Members were given the opportunity to ask questions and the following points were noted during the discussion:


           the Trees for Cities programme ‘Forgotten Places’ was an 18 month programme of community tree planting and tree-related activities in seven coastal towns and cities with high deprivation, low canopy cover and lack of investment towards tree programmes; 

           the programme was split into four stages – a mapping exercise to identify areas to plant; a review and research into ways tree planting could stimulate the local economy; production of a guidance document; and creation of a tree planting strategy;

           150 trees would be planted in Bexhill between October 2022 and February 2023;

           at least one Tree Planting Supervisor volunteer would be trained;

           a Queen’s Green Canopy planting event would be organised for November / December 2022 to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee;

           tree planting should be focused on street verges, involving negotiations with East Sussex County Council highways;

           areas such as Sidley with existing community projects could also be encouraged to take part in projects such as ‘Incredible Edible’, which would involve planting fruit trees;

           the initial funding period was for 18 months and Trees for Cities would maintain the trees for three years, at which point responsibility would be handed over to landowners and communities. Training would be provided; and

           hedge planting could also be incorporated.


The Chairman thanked the representatives from Trees for Cities for their presentation and excellent work on the ‘Forgotten Places’ project.