Issue - decisions

To consider Hybrid Meeting Procedure Rules / Guidance

16/12/2021 - Hybrid Meeting Protocol

Members considered the report of the Democratic Services Manager which outlined the proposed draft protocol for hybrid meetings.  Current legislation did not permit formal decision-making committees to be held as a hybrid meeting, i.e. all voting committee Members must be physically present in the meeting room, non-committee Members, non-voting committee Members, officers and members of the public with speaking rights would be able to join meetings remotely.


Following recent installation of a hybrid system in the Council Chamber, it was essential that a protocol be established that set out the rules and expectations for all attendees / participants.  A copy of the draft protocol was outlined at Appendix 1 to the report and had been compiled using the latest national guidance on hybrid meetings, as well as consultation with key officers, Members and neighbouring East Sussex authorities who operated hybrid systems.  Hybrid meetings would commence in January 2022.


Members were reminded that if they just wanted to listen / watch a hybrid committee meeting, they could via the live broadcast, like a member of the public; the least number of remote participants present in a hybrid meeting the better, as this would assist the Chairman and supporting officers in managing the meeting.  The remote meeting was for participation, the webcast was for observation.


Cabinet approved the draft protocol and granted delegated authority to the Chief Executive to agree any amendments in consultation with all Group Leaders.  It was suggested that the protocol be reviewed 3 – 6 months after implementation.


A general discussion ensued on the ability to hold formal (decision-making) meetings remotely.  At present, Government legislation stipulated that formal meetings must be held “in person”.  Members were advised that both MP’s had been formally asked to lobby central Government to allow local authorities to hold all decision-making meetings remotely.


RESOLVED: That the:


1)     Hybrid Meeting Protocol at Appendix 1 to the report be approved and adopted and reviewed 3 – 6 months after implementation; and 


2)     Chief Executive be granted delegated authority to agree any further amendments to the protocol in light of experience in consultation with all Group Leaders.