Issue - decisions

To recommend to Council the approval and adoption of the East Sussex Temporary Accommodation Policy

03/11/2022 - East Sussex Temporary Accommodation Policy

Cabinet received Minute OSC22/27 arising from the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) held on 17 October 2022 that had considered the East Sussex Temporary Accommodation Policy written by the operational housing managers across all five districts and boroughs. The Policy outlined the standards applied to the size and location of Temporary Accommodation (TA) as well as the processes and procedures to follow.  The Policy applied both within district or borough, and outside of the placement authority area.


Members queried the position of Ukrainian refugees who may be coming to the end of their stay with host families and what impact this might have on the Council in terms of housing.  The East Sussex County Council Lead Member for Adult Social Care advised that the Government had provided additional funding of £495,000 to continue to provide host family support payments.  It was confirmed that there was a multi-agency approved resettlement approach across East Sussex which took account of employment and educational access needs.  


Cabinet were pleased to recommend that the East Sussex Temporary Accommodation Policy be approved and adopted as this would provide a consistent approach across East Sussex.


RECOMMENDED: That the East Sussex Temporary Accommodation Policy be approved and adopted.


(When it first became apparent, Councillors Field and Maynard both declared personal interests as elected Members of East Sussex County Council, and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct remained in the meeting for the consideration thereof).