
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bexhill-on-Sea

Contact: Louise Hollingsworth 


No. Item


Apologies and Substitutes

The Head of Paid Service to ask if any Member present is substituting for another Member and, if so, to declare their name as substitute Member and the name of the absent Member.


Election of Chair

The Head of Paid Service to seek nominations for election of Chair for the municipal year.  On election, Chair of Committee to take the Chair.


Election of Vice-Chair

To elect a Vice-Chair of the Committee for the municipal year.


Appointment of Members to the General Licensing Panel and Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Panel

General Licensing Panel pool – the following Members be appointed to serve on this Panel: B.J. Coupar, G.R.M. Delany, K.M. Field, L. Hacking, Mrs E.M. Kirby-Green, R.A. McCourt, S.B. McGurk, A. Rathbone Ariel, J. Stanger, R.B. Thomas, H.L. Timpe and C.J. Winter.


Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Panel pool – the following Members be appointed to serve on this Panel: B.J. Coupar, G.R.M. Delany, K.M. Field, L. Hacking, Mrs E.M. Kirby-Green, R.A. McCourt, S.B. McGurk, A. Rathbone Ariel, J. Stanger, R.B. Thomas, H.L. Timpe and C.J. Winter.



Recommendation: It be RESOLVED: That:


1)         Members be appointed thereto other than on a political basis nem con (no Member objecting);


2)         the Members listed above be appointed to serve on the General Licensing Panel pool and Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Panel pool; and


3)         an audit of Member’s potential interests be carried out.