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Planning Committee

This page lists the meetings for Planning Committee.


Information about Planning Committee

Purpose of Committee

Planning Committee is responsible for deciding applications for planning permission, listed building consent, conservation area consent, tree preservation and planting and strategic highway and transportation issues. 


You can also view and make comments on current planning applications and find out more information about submitting an application.


Planning Committee meets every month (except August) and comprises 14 Councillors.  Meetings commence at 9:30am with a break at 1:00pm or earlier, at the discretion of the Chair.  Should there be any further business, the Committee will reconvene at 2:00pm or earlier as advised by the Chair.  Public seating in the Council Chamber is limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.


Public Speaking at Planning Committee

Members of the public are allowed to address the Planning Committee members at the meeting; please see the Public Speaking procedure. app

View upcoming public committee documents for this committee on your iPad, Android Device or Blackberry Playbook with the free app.